This course provides the opportunity for student teachers to apply the content learnt in the course introduction to educational research to refine their proposal and to complete their intervention (action research) study. . The student teachers will practice the fundamental techniques of collecting, presenting, analyzing and evaluating data. Student teachers will also use the research instruments that they have developed during the proposal writing stage to collect the necessary data for preparing the research report.

This course is divided into five units. Each will be designed to facilitate practical exposure to the remaining stages of the research process. Unit one will focus on the researcher conducting a study, collecting and compiling the data- conducting interviews, administering questionnaires, using other instruments and resources. For unit 2, how the data is compiled and the interpretations of the findings are discussed. Unit 3 explains data analysis and interpretation of the findings of the research. Conclusions, discussion and recommendation are presented in unit 4.Unit 5 the final unit gives the guidelines for writing the research report and outlines the scheme of assessment.